Is your head itchy, and the itchiness is not going away even after applying shampoo several times? Has your hair fallen been increased? If you have encountered these sorts of problems then you should immediately check if there are lice in your head or not.

Having Lice in your hairs and itching in public can be very embarrassing. If you are looking for the home remedies for head lice, the following recommendations are easily available around us at home, especially for women and children, if you are having irritating itchiness in your scalp. And you see white small dandruff kind of things stuck in your hair and scalp.

Generally, these white dandruff kinds of things are lice eggs. A grown louse looks like sesame seeds. If you find such things in your hairs and want to get rid of it without using any chemical of costly stuff, you should try remedies to remove lice permanently available at home around us.


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How to remove lice from hair permanently by using homemade products?

Lice can easily get transmitted by a person having it and sitting next to you, so try to keep your hairs covered if you are in public.

If once these Parasites is transmitted in you or your child, no need to worry as there are some useful Home remedies available through which you can save your hairs from the irritations and problems caused because of lice. The best way to get rid of head lice is to use homemade products as they will be readily available to you.

    1. Essential Oil Treatment:
    • The essential oil can eliminate lice and their eggs from your head and hair. Best essential oil for treating lice are red thyme oil, peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil.
    • Take 15 to 20 drops of any one of that essential oil and apply it throughout. After 12 hours wash it off with shampoo.
    • Repeat this process at least for a week or so.
    • Even after you get rid of this problem keep applying essential oil at least once a fortnight.
    1. Garlic-Lime juice mixture:

    Mix garlic paste with two or three drops of lime juice in Luke warm water.

    Wash off your hairs gently with this mixture. It is one of the best home remedies for getting rid of Lice from hair permanently.

    1. Salt:

    Salt can kill the full grown lice stuck on your scalp. While shampooing, you can use a bit of salty water. But, do not use salt water daily, it may damage your hair.

    1. Tea tree oil:
    • One teaspoon of tea tree oil is enough to remove Lice and its eggs from your hair and scalp. You can use it by mixing with any shampoo that suits your hair.
    • Reins the tea tree oil and shampoo mixture gently on your scalp and hairs.

  1. Shampooing with Neem extract:

Neem extract is the ultimate solution for any lice. It is the best poison for these insects, and none of them can escape from it. Paste Neem leaves and adds it to the oil you use to oil your hair. After applying it, all through your head wrap the hair with a shower cap. Next day wash it off to get the best results. It is the best ways to get rid of head lice.

  1. Mayonnaise:

You may have never thought of it but as mayonnaise contains oil property it can be used as one technique of the home remedies for lice prevention. The day you apply mayonnaise on your hair and scalp keep it for around 30 minutes and wash it with luke warm water. Comb your hairs neatly you may find dead lice in the comb.

Egg in mayonnaise works as a natural conditioner and makes your hairs smooth.

  1. Baby oil with vinegar:

Baby oil can be suffocating for lice. So, you should mix a few drops of any baby oil with an equal amount of vinegar and apply gently on your scalp and then hairs. It will be best if you use white vinegar to prepare the mixture. Keep it in your hair for at least 2 to 3 hours and rinse it off with shampoo.

  1. Camphor:

Camphor has a strong smell which causes the lice to flee from your head. So, add some cubes of camphor to the oil you use.

  1. Oil and comb:

This is the most efficient technique among the home remedies for head lice. No other process cannot replace the usefulness of oil and comb method. For that, you have to oil your hair. The hair becomes slippery for the lice and they cannot stick too much to the hair. The next step is to comb it with a neat comb. It helps to take out the louse and their eggs.

Head lice can suck blood from your scalp. It makes your hairs weak and brittle which in turn can cause hair fall. So, whenever you feel the presence of lice in your hairs and scalp, you should take preventive measures and use the above mentioned easy home remedies for prevention of your beautiful hairs from lice.