Guava is a tropical fruit with unique flavour taste and health-promoting nutrients and in this post, we will see most of the benefits and best home remedies using Guava. It is known as a super-rich source of Vitamin C fruit although Amla and cherry are considered to be most rich in Vitamin C but due to easy availability and high computation, Guava is referred as richest source of Vitamin C. Skin of Guava fruit has most Vitamins C. The amount of Vitamin C decreases as we move in from skin to middle pulp of the fruit. So it is always advisable to eat Guava with its skin. It is useful in the healing of many diseases. Some of the use of Guava is –

In Piles – Consumption of Guava in empty stomach is very useful for people suffering from Piles.

In Constipation – People having complains of constipation should have Guava regularly. It softens the stools due to its rich source of soluble dietary fibre which makes it a good bulk laxative.

In Stomach Pain – Wash leaves of Guava fruit cleanly and then grinds them. Now mix the pate with water and filter it. Drink this water to relieve stomach pain.

In Cough – Eat Guava after heating it in the warm sand. This will give relief from all kind of cough.

In Toothache – Chewing fresh green Guava leaves can benefit you from teeth pain.

Boost Heart problem – The rich amount of potassium and soluble fibre in Guava improves heart function.

Good for skin –  the antioxidant of Guava protect from any skin damage. It also slows down the ageing process and prevents wrinkles.

In Mouth Sores – Mix juice of leaves of Guava with catechu and apply it over mouth sore. This will help in the healing of sores.

Or Apply Catechu over over it and chews the leaf to cure mouth sores.

In Gum Inflammation – Gargle every day from water boiled with leaves of Guava fruits. It will relieve Gum inflammation.

In Intestinal Sores – Person with intestinal sores would be made to drink juice or eat Guava every day. Due to the presence of Tannic acid, Guava heals the sores.

In diarrhea – Guava leaf tea consumption can treat diarrhea.

Other Health Benefit Of Guava –

    • Prevent prostate cancer and high blood pressure, especially type 2.
    • Fight Diabetes by lowering blood glucose levels and avoid scurvy.
    • Improve fertility.
    • Prevent from Thyroid.
    • Menstruation cramps relief.
    • Protect from Osteoarthritis.
    • Cancer prevention.